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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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How to train in zone with walking

Just listening to Episode #261 where Peter says that rocking / walking is hard to enter and stay in zone 2 because it’s too easy when walking downhill / flat and too hard when walking uphill. I currently experience the same as I would almost need to switch from walking speed to jogging speed to get my heart rate into 125 -135 bpm. I was thinking to put on a weight vest to make it easier to stick into that heart rate zone without the need to accelerate too much. From listening to Peter talking I would conclude that adding extra weight has little to no effect on increasing heart rate? I’d expect the need to increase weight the more you practice, but would it at least work if you are just starting out and / or due to injury history / body weight / fitness shape can’t run yet but need to stick to waking? So is it generally not working or just not for someone in Peter’s physical fitness shape? TIA


Coplications of teenagers who loose menstrual cycle for more than 3 years due to overexercise,stress

Help with Tracking

Hi Guys, Is there a tool such as an excel spreadsheet / dashboard we can use to help track where we are at?


How does hashimotoes play into all this. There is so much info out there in regards to thyroid issues. Fast, don’t fast. Don’t exercise to hard, exercise harder. I guess just any advise on aging with this autoimmune disease

Medicine 3.0 practice adoption

Dear Peter, I've been an emergency physician for 25 years. Like me, I'm sure many of your physician disciples would love to make the jump from treating end-stage disease to optimizing wellness for our fellow humans. Would you ever consider an AMA (or other vehicle) on how to consider a wellness practice? Thank you for evangelizing health and wellness,