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CAC =0 twice over past 9 years but high Cholesterol marker

Hello, I can’t figure out where I fit in as I listen to your podcasts. I am a 72 year old female, active, BMI= 21.8 2014: CAC=0, 2021 CAC=0, APOB=112, Lipo(a)183, APOE=3/3, trig=65, hdl=86, ldl=156, ldl-P 1548, LDL size=22.1, VLDL Size 51.6, Hba1c=5.2, avg glucose=103, myelopathy=221, hs-CRP=.8, ADMA =84, BP= 116/60, CRP=.6, normal thyroid. I can’t figure out from your podcasts how important it would be for me to go on statins. My PCP before my CAC said yes, but now says no. Do I need more tests? You mentioned that my CAC would go up if on statins. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

SiPhox Health Biomarker testing

Have you any experience with SiPhox using silicon photonics as a blood testing for biomarkers (home kit testing) mechanism? They are a 2020 startup in Burlington, MA.

How to balance protein and total energy intake

How do you approach balancing protein intake and total energy intake? If total energy (to stay in deficit to lose body fat) is 2000kcal p/d, and suggested total protein per day is 200g = 1100kcal. Maintaining that diet is going to be extremely tough outside strict carnivore diet. Case study: 35 YO male, 204lbs, 30% body fat, with a besal metabolic rate of around 2000kcal (if they eat more than 1800-2000 they gain fat very quickly). They historically had severely low T level (sub 200ng/do from age 23 and is now on TRT. Yet still can't build muscle (increase protein intake). It's an interesting balancing act and interested to know how it maybe approached. Thanks!

autoimmune disease

would love more content on the increased incidence of autoimmune diseases and overall concept that "autoinflammation" is core concept for ?ASCVD ?dementia, etc Also tragically, the best drugs are far out of reach for most of my patients due to ridiculous costs.

Lactic acid

Rhonda Patrick felt that LA is key for blood brain barrier. Could Metformin be helpful for this aspect of cognitive health?