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I am a 70yr old male who is very active,at gym 7 days per week, rigorous cardio. Went for calcium score and was 1000. 40% in 2 arteries. Full cardiac w/u negative. I am currently on simvastatin 40mg daily and fishoils. My cardiac IQ test results are improving. Anything else you recommend?

Blood pressure

Just started beta blocker for high BP after tripple bypass. How low is too low for diastolic reading?

Blood pressure/MTHFR mutation

Do you take MTHFR genetics into account when puzzling through a person’s high blood pressure causes? If so, how does it figure into the equation? What treatments are presented?

Why Rapamycin, and not Everolimus

Why is it that you choose Rapamycin over Everolimus, which is more selective for the mTORC1 and has fewer side effects?

Overall Picture

Hello, recently joined and halfway through your book. Great information. Question actually for my wife. She has some structural issues: extra bone in each foot, scoliosis, and hip and back plain. No doctor seems willing or interested in looking at the total body picture. They will only look at the foot or the back and never look at the total body. How and where can we find someone to look at the picture in total as I am sure it is all related and is a structural “physics” problem?