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Blood Work

What Peter suggests as routine annual blood work (list of tests) for someone at 50s ?

Sweating and thermoregulation

As my fitness has been increasing with exercise and sauna use, I notice that I sweat more often, more quickly, and in larger quantities. I assumed that the better shape I was in, the less I would sweat because of having a larger capacity for exertion. Is that not the case? When does it become concerning that there may be a thermoregulation issue?

Red Light Therapy

Do you have any thoughts on red light therapy? There are all kinds of panels available online that, amongst other things, claim to: speed wounds healing, improve skin, reduce wrinkles, reduce pores, heal scars, relieve pain, etc. Fact or fiction?

Last Decade

We certainly want to follow your suggestions to optimize health in the last decade. Have you given much thought to metrics that might indicate that one or ones loved ones may be in the last decade? The decade where we see a more precipitous decline. Almost the opposite of your centenarian decathlon.

HRT and Dementia

Can you comment me the latest Danish study that seems to imply that there is a significant direct link between HRT and dementia the longer you take it irrespective of age.