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Dr Leroy Hood

Has Dr. Attia heard of Dr. Leroy hood? Has he considered interviewing him on one of his podcasts?

Muscle cramp

I am 63 and have noticed the frequency of muscle cramps has increased as I have aged. I am a fitness and nutrition geek. I work hard to hydrate every day and incorporate foods high in potassium and magnesium. I take SlowMag. What do you recommend for managing muscle cramps.

Recommended annual testing for late 40s

Been a big fan and follower over the last decade and really enjoy your site and recently read your book. As someone in their late 40s, and someone that rarely goes to the doctor, what type of annual testing would you recommend as a baseline? No history of cancer or cardiovascular disease. Family history with some metabolic disease (grandmother and older brother have type II diabetes). Also history of dementia (maternal grandmother that’s 99 years old).

Discordance LDL-P and Apo(B) - how to interpret?

How to interpret a relatively low Apo(B) (70mg/dL), but a relatively high LDL-P of 1450 (nmol/L) without any indication of insulin resistance which could perhaps explain it (e.g., see Varvel et al 2015). Not on statins/PCSK9, Calcium Score 0. 1. Is this person at high or low risk of ASCVD? What would be follow up action? 2. Could this be due to a technical/measurement issue? Something else? Thank you.

Costco $5 Chicken for Protein

Hi Peter, your new book has made me much more aware of eating the correct amount of protein everyday. While I'm enjoying my Whey shakes, eggs, and greek yogurt snacks, I still want to eat healthy. Costco sells a $5 Rotisserie chicken. On the surface it seems like a very affordable, delicious option for protein. Is it unhealthy though? What do you think? How bad is it? Their chicken says no steroids or hormones are used (I assume that means they give the chickens antibiotics).