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Rapamycin and protein muscle synthesis

Hi Peter, I know you are highly focused on muscle protein synthesis and also rapamycin. How do you think about these two in light of each other? Do you periodize your workouts throughout the week to take account for mTOR? For example, do the heavy lifting at the end of the week if you take rapamycin at the beginning? In terms of your dexa scans, it seems like you are adding lean body mass recently. How do you do that when mTOR is suppressed? Do you think you would have added more LBM if you weren't on rapamycin? If you think there are other muscle protein synthesis mechanisms at work besides mTOR (for example something acitivated by pounding protein), can you explain those mechanisms? Thank you.

HRT and dementia

Given your recent HRT podcast, can you please comment on the the recent study showing an increased risk of dementia in ever users of HRT? Thank you.

Lactate Testing for a beginner

Hey! Some basic stats: I'm 192cm and 80 kilos. Body fat: ~11%. I've been strength training for 20 years but basically never did any real dedicated cardio training. After listening to the podcast, reading outlive and becoming a member I will start doing a dedicated cardio (zone 2 / zone 5) training as well. In preparation I wanted to get my base level lactate tests on a bike (I never rode on an ergometer for training before). I expected it to be abysmal but was still surprised. I came above the 2 lactate level at 91 watts (107 heart rate) and passed the 4 lactate level at the beginning of 210 watts (Start 50 watts, 40 watts increases every 3 minutes). Testing has been done by a professional. I did the lactate test after a work day but it's an office job, although I have a standing desk and basically stand all day. Starting lactate was at 1.4 (I need to get a lactate test kit at home to see if it generally is that elevated). My two questions are: - On an incline treadmill I can easily walk for an hour at 115-135 heart rate while still talking. I have not done a lactate test there yet. Can it be possible that there is such a huge difference between my lactate levels on the bike vs. walking? I do love to hike and basically walk at least 30minutes each day. I'm on the fifth floor in my building and basically take the steps every day twice (up) - I can do this pretty fast without getting out of breath. I can also hike for 2-3 hours at a speed where I usually outpace most of the other hikers on the mountain ;) So maybe my body simply isn't used to the ergometer? - As for the bike training: Should I still try to stick at 90 watts in the beginning and measure progress after 2-3 months? May be an interesting "case study" for someone that is generelly not completely deconditioned but has never done dedicated cardio training (thinking of Zone 2 vs. Zone 5).


Peter, my family has significant autoimmune history, with siblings having type 1 IDDM, RA, and Hashimotos. I’m deeply interested in how to prevent/delay autoimmune disease. One member of the family has been utilizing gluten free to help her condition, though not curative.

Ischemic Stroke Prevention

My father and grandfather had metabolic syndrome, small vessel disease and multiple disabling strokes starting in their ‘50s…you talk a lot about preventing CVD broadly speaking (with heart focus) and also a lot about dementia prevention… there anything you can recommend more specific to stroke prevention/ cerebral small vessel disease prevention?