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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Any thoughts on the supplement Spermidine? Thank you!

ApoB lab cost?

In the podcast episode with Allen Sniderman the cost of an ApoB blood test is $2.50/$3.00. I have seen ApoB labs $250 and the cheapest is $60. W?hat is going on? Thoughts? Thank you much!

Very Frequent Submaximal Lifting Efforts

What is your experience or opinion on strength building protocols such as “grease the groove” or Dan John’s Easy Strength program, where the goal is to accumulate more volume through daily or higher frequency at effort far below failure to keep the nervous system “fresh”?

Doctor for low T in Europe

How can I find a doctor in Europe that can address high SHBG and low free T? any recommendations?

HRT in women 15+ years post menopause

Many women in their 60s and 70s were not offered HRT in their peri-menopause and post menopause years. Can you discuss the risks and benefits of starting HRT in women a decade or more post menopause as it specifically relates to cardiovascular disease and dyslipidemia.