Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Fasting’s connection to women’s longevity

How does fasting impact women’s hormonal balances, their fertility and their longevity. Should a woman in her early 40’s who had never had a pregnancy be fasting?

Woman’s health and longevity

Should a woman in her late 30’s/early 40’s try and extend their fertility years to extend their life/health/youthfulness span even if they are not interested in getting pregnant?

Sauna protocol

How do you manage rehydration status in the evening after or during Sauna use? I find myself trying to rehydrate aggressively afterward and it results in my getting up to use the bathroom multiple times at night. I have history of kidney stone w Sauna use in the past (and poor hydration related to exercise and sauna, high red meat/protein diet etc). Thanks

Addressing Injuries

I think your viewers would really benefit from an injury recovery video/episode. We understand to train to avoid injury, but, if injured by a muscle/tendon/ligament strain, broken bone, etc., how do we optimize recovery and minimize muscle atrophy in general? It’s practical in application and doesn’t take from your approach.

Exercise and the heart

Thank you Peter and your good team for all the efforts you put into this work. Please consider interviewing a cardiologist regarding the effects exercise, both acute load and chronic load, have on the heart. Points to cover would be hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, heart rate, etc. I'm an endurance runner and there is a relative dearth of information on the mechanisms behind those effects. Thank you again.