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Could you let us know each lactate meter thresholds for zone 2~ zone 5 training ?

For example, zone 2 - < 2 mmol/L zone 3? zone 4? Zone 5? I am trying to identify and segments my workout intensity. Thank you

AMA 40 - DEXA Nanograms - Body Fat Percentage Data Source and Availability

On AMA 40, DEXA nanograms are shown for body fat percentage, VAT, ALMI, and FFMI. The data source is know for the following DEXA nanograms: VAT, ALMI, and FFMI. What is the DEXA nanograms data source and availability for body fat percentage? Data source and availability for VAT, ALMI, and FFMI DEXA nanograms: Link:
Citation: Ofenheimer, A., Breyer-Kohansal, R., Hartl, S. et al. Reference values of body composition parameters and visceral adipose tissue (VAT) by DXA in adults aged 18–81 years—results from the LEAD cohort. Eur J Clin Nutr (2020). GitHub:

Body Composition

I'm curious what Dr. Attia's experience has been with bioimpedance devices such as the inBody that track body composition, skeletal muscle mass, PBF, visceral fat. I don't have access to a DEXA in my area except for those used exclusively for BMD testing.

Dr Jack Kruse

Any plans to address some of the points raised by Jack Kruse on the Rubin/Huberman podcast?

Women fertility and its connection to longevity

What is the connection, if any, between extending a woman’s fertility years and extending her health/life span?