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Rapamycin and Shingles Vaccine

I’m a brand new subscriber and trying to get up to speed on all of your recommendations. I’m 70 years old and just started on a Rapamycin regiment. My question is if I want to take the Shingles vaccine should I refrain from taking Rapamycin and if so for how long? Not sure your opinion on the Shingles vaccine. Thank you

Protein needs

On your recent podcast with Dr.Layman you talked about the RDA for protein. Wasn't sure you were referring to animal vs. non animal source of protein especially since the protein bioavailability as was mentioned is different for both.

protein and mTOR

Wouldn't it be wise to use an amino acid supplement in the AM (with 3 grams of leucine) to help stimulate mTOR, especially if unable to ingest 40 grams of animal protein in the AM.


Wonder if all the animals that ruminate have the same bacteria that synthesize the essential amino acids from pant based protein. Would be interesting if human ingestion of a "probiotic"(with this bacteria) could do the same as in ruminants.

Uric acid

Could you please discuss Uric acid in greater context of metabolic health? What gout may truly be signaling and how best to treat elevated Uric acid levels and by extension recurrent gout.