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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Joint Health

Multiple members of my family have need to have full knee and/or hip replacements in their 60's. These surgeries have had significant impacts on their mobility and therefore quality of life as they get older. Personally, I had 2 surgeons (each of which had performed an ACL replacement on me) tell me I was likely going to need a knee replacement in my early 40's due to the condition of my cartilage, not from injury, but from regular wear and tear. Is there any research around why certain people are prone to cartilage depletion and/or osteoarthritis earlier in life than others? Are there any preventative steps that can be taken to mitigate these risks?

TRAVERSE study findings

Would be nice to touch on/review the findings of the TRAVERSE study and add any updates you may have since your TRT AMA episode.


Please consider having Tim Kennedy on The Drive. Tim resembles Jocko. Enough said. Thanks for being a podcast with an open mind. Cheers.

Do you recommend a Cleerly scan?

I know you prefer CT angiograms over calcium scans, but what are your thoughts on Cleerly scans? I like that I can order one on myself.

EMF/Power Lines, Etc.

What is your stance on EMF with living near high voltage power lines, WiFi, Cell Phones, etc. on health?