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VO2 Max with a Defibrillator

I'm very active adult male 65 years old/165/5"10. I have an implanted ICD. Ranges are set at 60 bpms-130bpm. Is VO2 max still an accuate accessment with the device? Obviously at 130 max I cant get out of zone 4.

Swimming for Zone 2

I dont hear you talk much about swimming for Zone 2 exercise?

Congenital Heart/Valve Abnormalities

Curious if there is a forward thinking CT surgeon or cardiologist with thoughts on early intervention for individual's with congenital valve disease. The current thinking is to wait until things get bad, to the point of symptoms, to treat. Meanwhile I am 32 and have moderately elevated LAVi, RA pressures, etc. If we are to intervene early on metrics like APO-B, how do we think about this?

Nutritional Guidelines for Patients

Dr. Attia, I am an upcoming medical student who greatly values your work. Given that medical schools tend to “skip” the chapter on nutrition, how do I become more familiar with the nuances of nutrition so that I may better treat and direct my future patients without rigorous medical training in the respective area? Thanks.

Hashimoto Thyroiditis cause and prevention?

Hi Dr Attia, Picked up on your lessons through J. Peterson. I have heard about 100 podcasts so far on Peterson's broadcasts. Yours is in top pack so far. Thank you for offering the needed lessons that most Americans are ignorant about in the studies that you present and discuss. I have just started to tune into your podcasts. Please consider sorting them into health categories and sub-categories. Just joined your yearly membership last week. You have invited questions (ask me anything). QUESTION: My Daughter with 2 children in her 40's has been diagnosed with 1st stage Hashimoto Thyroiditis. The first podcast in your great menu that I listened through was your #256 discussing the thyroid and hormones which provided me with the motivation needed to ask this question. What brings on Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, and what should she be doing to reverse it if possible through diet, exercise, supplement's, hormone treatment, and any other tools in the bag. She has moved toward some dieting and exercise at a novice or newbies level, but I think a personal coach/trainer with the correct tools is what she needs to get serious and accountable. Thank you again for your insights and looking forward to discovering more!