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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Labs and Result Ranges

Has Peter ever put out a summary list of all labs he recommends for different conditions? Test x y and z for diabetes, a b and c for heart and so on?

Congestive Heart Failure Prevention

Has Peter considered discussing Congestive Heart Failure and how to prevent it? This condition does occur in my family as my mother was diagnosed with it two weeks before she died of a heart attack. I am almost 65 years old. Thank you.

What about pulse pressure?

You've talked about blood pressure in general a lot of times before, but I don't think I've ever heard you talk about pulse pressure (meaning the difference between the systolic pressure and the diastolic pressure) specifically. I've read a difference above 40 might be an early indicator of heart-related conditions, is it true? Thanks!

Alzheimer's - Dr. Dale Bredesen

Would you invite Dr. Dale Bredesen to the Drive podcast? Thank you.

What can one do for persistent High cholesterol but low absorption and production markers????

What options are there for people with APOE4/E4 & life long history of persistent high cholesterol, and recent labs showing low production markers (lathosterol/desmosterol)  and low absorption markers (sitosterol/campesterol) if diet has been optimized for brain health and exercise program initiated already?  example, hypothetical of course, Total 299 Direct LDL-C 185 APOB 123 HDL-C 108 Triglycerides 59 VLDL-C 6. An example that shows high total cholesterol and high LDL/APOB but low triglycerides/VLDL. Plus, low absorption markers and production markers.