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Rapamycin and endurance performance

Hi Peter, I am a Physician, 58 y o, a competitive long distance triathlete and I started taking 6 mg/week Rapamycin 8 weeks ago. My Hb has moved from16.3 g/dl (before taking it) to 14.9 g/dl (also, my resting heart rate baseline has gone from 52,3 to 53.7). This should lead to a reduced performance in the next triathlon competition, don't you think? Do I have to choose between being competitive and taking Rapamycin?

liver function, AST/ALT

my AST/ALT levels are low (25/20), but the ratio is >1. reading literature, low levels indicate liver health, but a >1 ratio indicates possible alcohol liver damage (yes, I drink alcohol moderately). any cause for concern?

Mounjaro and body comp

My endocrinologist put me on Mounjaro for chronic obesity 10 months ago. I went from 258.8 to 197.4lbs, weight loss continues but very slowly. I am losing fat much faster than muscle, now at 24% fat, 27.3% muscle (not dexa though) and my resting heart rate ranges from 58-64. I am 71. The success is due to 3-5 sessions of weight training per week, and LOTS of protein powder (50-100 gms daily) with HMB. Why don’t doctors INSIST on weight training and protein supplementation? Trying to eat lean meat or eggs in Mounjaro

ApoB Testing

Which test results are more useful for ApoB lowering intervention decisions - blood drawn while fasted for 8 - 12 hours or post prandial if the results over several trials are significantly different, say 20 - 30 mg/dL ?

Limitations with aneurysmal ascending aorta

I suffer from hypertension which I keep in check using Losartan ~ under 120/80. It was discovered that I had an aneurysmal ascending aorta after a coronary calcium scan, score of 10, aorta 42mm. A subsequent electrocardiogram confirmed aneurysm and size. I am an avid cyclist and my typical ride due to the terrain I ride has my heart rate mostly in zones 4 & 5. I also like to lift weights. I have been given conflicting guidance on whether or not I should limit my physical exertion and to what extent with the aneurysm. What are your thoughts?