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Discordant Apo B and Lp(a)

My cardiologist recently switched me from Atorvastatin to Rosuvastatin + Ezetimibe. After a year, most of my lipid markers have improved (Total cholesterol 173 to 125, LDL 99 to 52, Apo B 89 to 62), but my Lp(a) has risen significantly during the same time frame - 221 to 367. Should I be concerned about this one marker given the reduction in the others? Is this common in statin patients?

Yoga benefits

I am interested about benefits of yoga for slowing onset of cognitive decline. Is yoga a good form of cardiovascular fitness ? Does it help with strengthening?

Link between Herpes Simplex, APOE & Alzheimers

Hi I was surprised you didnt mention the growing body of research supporting a causal link between Herpes Simplex infection and Alzheimer's, specifically in APOE 4 carriers. I thought this was well known. My husband is APOE 4 and has been on preventative acyclovir for many years, specifically for Alzheimer's prevention. The literature shows massive reduction in AD risk when people take antivirals. Such as this study titled "Overwhelming Evidence for a Major Role for Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV1) in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) Underwhelming Evidence against"

Orthostatic Hypertension

There doesn’t appear to be much in the Google’s about this and wondered what your thoughts were. Following all your advise but my blood pressure seems back to front?

Medical research participation

If you were invited/approved to be a participant in a research study, what ranked criteria would you use to determine whether or not to participate? What would be a "red line" in the Informed Consent Document that would make you step away? Trial medication? Invasive procedure? I have participated in medical research studies in the past which seemed low risk, e.g., Omega 3 or cocoa supplementation, one of which involved a muscle biopsy (not too sure I'll ever agree to that again). Everyone has their own comfort zone. I'm interested in how you would advise someone to determine if they should participate or not. Thank you.