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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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I am estrogen dominant - add more progesterone or lower/ eliminate estrogen, both?

Muscle cramping

What is the reason for nocturnal muscle cramps? How can one reduce the incidence ? What is the cause of Is restless leg syndrome treatable and how is it treated?

Mark Sisson

How about having Sisson on the podcast? Yes, I know he is so popular as to be mainstream these days, but would you, Huberman, etc., be here today without him? Mark is the O.G. of the--my apologies--alernative health sphere. Anyways, I love this podcast.


Where do you buy rapamycin?

More Info on Blood Pressure.

I became a member specifically for your AMA on Blood Pressure. But I still have some questions. I’m a 53 yo female who’s always been very healthy. I’m a CrossFit coach and have been an athlete my whole life (college soccer, runner, etc.). I eat very healthy (count macros, no sugar, alcohol, etc.). I suddenly have high BP this year and cannot figure out why. Can you touch more on how hormones and electrolytes play into BP? You talked briefly about potassium but I would love more info on that. I was able to get BP down drinking a potassium rich electrolyte but you hinted that that is not good long term. I do eat low carb….is that messing up my electrolytes? Does peri/menopause have anything to do with it? Please give more info on those topics!