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Advocating for Care

How does someone find a physician that is willing to look at all the pieces of metabolic health? How does someone advocate for themselves to have everything tested? One normal A1C and everyone gives up. How do you find someone willing to help?

Does Endogenesis Fructose Production Show Up On the CGM?

Your awesome interviews with Rick Johnson have elucidated the role of many things beyond sugar consumption as triggers for fructose production in the liver, such as excessive salt, dehydration, etc. Is there any way for us to directly measure this endogenesis fructose production? I'm guessing it doesn't register on the CGM - right?/ wrong? Thank you!

Calcium score vs Lipo results

I am a 69 yr male, exercise regularly min 3 x weekly. Have a significant history of ASCVD in family. I have stayed very active all my life. Try to eat well and have been on statins since mid/late 30's. Recently had a Calcium score test and came out @1623 Total CCS & 790 total CVS! Other results are : CHOL: 122 mg/dL; HDL 58 mg/dL; LDL calc. 49 mg/dL; Trig 74 mg/dL; VLDL calc 15 mg/dL; Lipoprotein (A) <10 nmol/L; APO A-1 162 mg/dL; APO B 51 mg/dL; APOB/APO A-1 RATIO 0.31; CRP (high sens/wide range) 4.7 mg/dL (but I have torn meniscus both knees and arthritis in thumbs so inflammation in other areas); My question is: Is there anything I can do to reverse the Calcium scoring AND/OR how can I best reverse the ASCVD considering these results combined?

enclomiphene safe and effective?

Is enclomiphene an effective and safe way to increase T? Have there been peer reviewed studies published that conclude so?

Herpes Simplex Dimentia

I've reading about the association between Herpes Simplex and age related Dimentia, and the benefits of antiviral drugs. My child has been getting cold sores and this concerns me.