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Adrenal Fatigue -- How prevalent is it and, more importantly, what can be done?

Hi Dr. Attia, I am a new subscriber, and work in preventative health -- specifically, as a personal trainer for 12+ years. A lot of my clients check all of the boxes for adrenal fatigue. I try to help them as much as possible, but it is beyond my expertise. How can I better serve my clients with adrenal fatigue? Thank you for what you do!

Focus on Proteins only, is that it?

After listening to several podcasts (your and others), the message I and friends have received is that as long as (1) you don’t accumulate fat in organs and (2) you take enough protein to grow muscle, your nutrition input to healthspan will be ok. That’s the take away from many people I know. However, that is counter to core recommendations from Walter Longo (on eating vegetables and eating very little red meat), or Rick Johnson (on the risk of sugar intake). I follow must of your advise on exercise, cardiovascular health, etc; but I chose to ignore the little attention that you pay to the downside of bad nutrition. And I think it’s risky that most people take your “bottom line” on nutrition as an endorsement to eat anything as long as conditions (1) and (2) are ok. But maybe that’s what science says? I would love for you to have Walter Longo on your podcast, for example, and have a focused discussion on vegetables and proteins and “good carbohydrates”. Thanks!

Bad genetix

Hi I am 54 years. Always been training and weight lifting. Got high bloodpressure. I am seeing a cardiologist since 10 years. I am taking Losartan 100mg and amlodipin 10mg. Got 116\80 blood pressure after 5 min rest. I do NMN 1G, resveratrol 1G, quercetine 500 mg and fisetine 500mg since 1 m. I am in great shape. Training everyday. Hit, CrossFit , moutainbiking and running daily Still cannot get off my blood pressure medicine I do a full rest of kidneys, fat I blood and salt. I eat extremely health flexiterian diet with red meat a couple of times per week. I take creative 5mg. Why can I not get rid of my high blood pressure’

Deep sleep

My genetic code says I do not have the genes for deep sleep on 23&me What can do ?

neuroprotective effect of statins: observational studies vs clinical trials

In AMA #46 (i.e., Optimizing Brain Health), via the forest plots shown during your talk, you cite the meta-analysis work of Olmastroni et. al. in support of the argument that favors statins to reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's dementia. Figures 2 & 3 in their paper certainly support this conclusion. However, the discussion section of this same paper notes the following: "The evidence of a neuroprotective effect of statins emerges from observational studies, but not clinical trials." So that I have a better lens with which to view metanalyses in general, I'd like to get your take on why this is not problematic in so far as the conclusions suggested by the data presented in the paper. Thanks in advance...