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EP 198. lipoic acid choline ester 1.5% presbyopia cataract efficacy

Are there additional human trials to join? Solution availability to imdividuals? currently being used clinically? 75 yr old w beginning cataracts. Want to use solution in conjunction w twice daily eye exercises, eye massages, and massage of eye related acupuncture points in attempt to delay surgery.

Respiratory rate

Hello, You mentioned breifly in an AMA episode that you check respiratory rate (I think in oura). Can you talk more about what information you see here. I know things like alcohol can affect it but my question is more regarding if you are a person who tends to have a low RR resp to a high RR overall. Can you train this? My personal RR is at the lower end (around 12) sometimes even below that if I'm in a cool environment (ex sleeping outside in a tent. I live in Sweden so the nights are usually cold even in summertime). Thank you very much!

APOE Genotype Test

Would you be able to point me in the right direction for where I could possibly get an APOE genotype test as I live in Florida? I would very much like to get one from you because in your book you state that you test all your patients for this but not sure if this is possible? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I currently live near Orlando FL but I can certainly drive anywhere to get this test. Thanks so much.

Oral 17 Beta Estradiol

I hear you say not to use oral estrogen repeatedly. Most of the studies I am familiar with on oral 17 Beta Estradiol show more benefit with oral medication than with the transdermal forms. I have not come across any good studies showing harm with oral 17 Beta Estradiol. If you have any can your share them? The articles I have read show improved outcomes in many areas such decreased intimal thickness, decreased neurodegeneration. Some articles may show some issues such as increased CRP but non of the studies I am aware of show harm. I have read more articles that show benefit using oral 17 Beta Estradiol than show harm. Could you share the articles you use to support your statements on not using oral 17 Beta Estradiol? I have a list of studies to support my use of oral 17 Beta Estradiol but don't see a way to attach it to this post. Thanks

Stubborn Homocysteine with MTHFR

MTHFR with Isolated elevated homocysteine. What is you approach to treatment if lifestyle modifications have been optimized and levels of folate and b12 normal.