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Centenarian Decathlon

One of the things I hope to be able to do as I age, is needlepoint. It's a meditative hobby that has a positive impact on mind and spirit, but not so much on body. There are many hours spent seated executing repetitive coordination of small muscle groups in the hands, arms, shoulders, back and neck. Any exoskeleton training advice?

baledoneen method

Have you ever heard of the Baledoneen method, for which the claim to use a method to cure arterial disease? I recently attended their preceptorship course and they have similar thoughts to yours. They also discuss the significant role of oral health. Can you provide your thoughts on this?

Arrhythmias and endurance training

How to best manage exercise induced arrhythmias. Ive had aflutter ablated and now AFib when pushing on the bike. It remains paroxysmal and resolves when I back off. Occasional flecanide 75 use before hard work out helps. Routine use causes headaches. I know there is a book haywire heart on the topic. Have you talked with the author? I think it would be a great followup to the book which has been out awhile now. Thanks

medical condition Restless leg syndrome

What are your thoughts regarding restless leg syndrome, i.e. pathophysiology and treatment


What are your thoughts regarding nutritional therapy and this adult onset immnue deficiency syndrome?