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body composition panel

What are your thoughts of using InBody or SECA scale vs. the Fit3D or Styku?

Parkinson’s and statins

I have seen studies that say statins are protective against Parkinson’s and ones that says they are a risk factor for Parkinson’s. I have Parkinson’s in my family (mother, maternal uncle, maternal grandfather) and high LDL and apo b and am trying to weigh risks. Any thoughts on this would be helpful.

Getting pretty technical

The podcasts are certainly getting "technical" but #255 was way above my paygrade. Is there anywhere I could go to learn more about what was discussed?

APO a1

I was hoping you would ask at what level would an APOE 4 carrier want the APOA 1 level to be to counteract the negative of E-4, and are there any other ways of increasing it besides meds?

Joann Manson bias?

Joann states that we cannot be certain that modern hormones are safer than CEE and MPA and we should therefore be prudent and follow the evidence of the WHI regarding the risk of breast cancer over time. Conversely she thinks we should be sceptical of the WHI evidence of estrogen alone's protective effects on theoretical grounds of a special anti estrogen case for equine hormones. She is also at great pains to tell us that breast cancer mortality in the combined treatment group was "almost statistically significant"... excuse me? Is this a strong conviction tenaciously held?