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High cholesterol, blood sugar, fasting for dummies APOE 4/4

I found out I was APOE 4/4 the same day that my mom with Alzheimer’s moved in and that the Hemsworth diagnosis episode came out on Limitless. I have also, interestingly, fasted and taken twice as long to enter ketosis than my cohorts. I have also had high blood pressure since my mid 20s, despite being very fit and normal weight. In addition I have always had very high HDL and LDL cholesterol. Can you explain in a future episode (or point to one if addressed already) what the cardiovascular component of the double APOE4 is? Is it simply that the genetic markers in this case set up a cardiovascular system that eventually inhibits the body’s ability to breakdown “amyloid stickiness?” Am I on the right path in connecting these, or are they not even related to the APOE 4?

Does Magnesium supplementation in toddlers help with behavioral issues?

Apparently, magnesium supplementation for toddlers can help with behavioral issues. I am interested to hear your perspective and what reputable brands are recommended, if any.

Metabolic health and HRT: thoughts? discusses the observation that metabolically healthy women may experience brain benefits from HRT/estrogen that are missing or that accrue negatively in metabolically less healthy women. Peter has never discussed this possible wrinkle in the use of hormone therapy, to my knowledge, beyond the "healthy user bias" conversation. The observation in the linked article seems to suggest metabolic pathways distinct to metabolically healthy individuals.

Confounders in Non-nutrative Sweetener studies?

It would be interesting to hear Peter's thoughts on the many confounders related to research past present and future on non-nutritive sweeteners, as discussed at this link:

Colchicine low dose study

Would a low dose of colchicine help reduce inflammation of the cardiovascular system following a strenuous run like a marathon?