Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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COVID-19 Update

With everything we are trying to do to lower chances of atherosclerosis, cancer, neurodegenerative disease, diabetes, etc., do you feel that there is merit to any of the studies that show association between COVID-19 and increased incidences of these? Or is the data not showing that? With your general strategy leading us to do what we can to reduce chances of these diseases, if there is any merit to these studies, I don't understand why more aggressive prevention of COVID-19 isn't more of a pillar of our recommendations. With admittedly no expertise to parse these kind of studies, would greatly appreciate the practice feedback If there is no true data to support this possibility. Feel it would help reduce the anxiety around this for many. Just a few that have seen quoted:

Additional question on ADHD stimulants

I submitted a question about longevity risks of ADHD stimulants (blood pressure, cortisol levels, kidney function, brain health etc.). I want to add the question of sleep--do we know with any detail how these drugs impact--and probably detract--from sleep quality? And if they decrease sleep quality, are there ways to address that or to clear the drug more fully from the system at night when you're winding down? Thank you

Metformin--lactate--brain function

On your recent podcast with Rhonda Patrick, she mentioned she is trying to increase lactate levels for brain health. If metformin tends to increase resting lactate levels, does this suggest it may have mild benefits for the brain? Or is resting lactate less helpful than lactate "spikes" that come from intense exercise?

Rapamycin and Hypertrophy

Does a low dose (4-6mg once a week) of rapamycin blunt hypertrophy from weightlifting?

Best Measures for Each of the 4 Horsemen

If you were to create a research study on the effects of exercise on lowering the risk of the four horsemen, what would be your top markers to measure this? I am very interested in designing a study to measure the effects of PickleBall on the physical, cognitive and emotional health of participants which would include the 4 horsemen.