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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Altitude sickness

I wondered if I could get your thoughts on altitude and health. This could probably take up a whole episode, so I'm just listing a grab bag of questions listed in order of personal interest. Is it possible to proactively increase your blood oxygen saturation prior to going to a higher altitude? Are any supplements helpful for preventing altitude sickness? Are there health benefits to living at, training at, or periodically visiting higher altitudes?

Annual Tests

I subscribed because I was told I could get AMA questions asked and answered. There's an "Executive MD" service in my area and they say they do all the following services for an $8,000 annual fee, is it worth it? Full Body MRI; Galleri Cancer Testing; Problem Focus Genomics; Coronary Artery Calcium Scan; Electrocardiogram (EKG); Vectra 360 Skin Scan; Advanced Comprehensive Cardiometabolic Laboratory; Body Composition Analysis; In Office Ultrasound; Gut Health; Hormone Analysis and Replacement; Functional Medicine; 24/7 Access to Your Doctor; Private Tranquility Room

Protein and cancer

Hi Peter I am very confused by the different advice on protein: People like Valter Longo and Peter Sinclair are proponents of low protein and more plant based protein vs animal based. Their argument relates to cancer and IGF-1. They also argue that the 0.8g/kd is good enough to maintain adequate muscle mass if the goal is longevity. and beyond age 65 protein intake should go up as also IGF1 reduces. On the other hand you see the need for a much higher protein quantity and you say we need to maximize muscle. Help me understand those differing views especially as it relates to cancer. I frankly also feel that you might unconsciously biased towards muscles and exercise. Please don’t take this personal, all humans have unconscious bias😀

Attia-Specific Clinical Guide for Clinicians?

Hi Peter and Crew, Have you considered putting together a clinical practice guide based on your methodologies for clinicians? I would find that highly valuable. Thanks so much.

Zone 2 training and Glucose Monitoring

First...thanks...been a member since Dec ' life has changed...exercise differently, eat differently...sleep...and more. Two questions (sorry, maybe greedy). First, Zone 2 it ok to interrupt a Zone 2 workout where heart rate drops into Zone 1 for a few minutes and then return to the steady state Zone 2 workout so that one can get the 40 - 50 min total in Zone 2? Two...because of you, I'm wearing a CGM (Dexcom G6), not a diabetic or pre-diabetic (last A1C was 5.5 and fasting glucose on last physical was high 90s). I'm at overweight (working on this, BMI of 26.9). Two, I have noticed in some of my Zone 2 workouts, not long into the workout, my sugar level drops dramatically...sometimes down into the 60s or 50s...over a 50 to 60 point drop, usually after a meal that I ate within the hour. Why is this happening and is it really accurate...this has happened about 3 to 4 times in a three week period. Two...I can't get my fasting sugar down below the 90s. How can I? My sugar levels will return to the 90s between meals, but even if I go 12 or 17 hours of fasting, they average in the 90s...I would think after having fasted for that long they would drop even lower...what is happening with my body in this situation?