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Hematuria in MetS?

I am beginning to notice that a lot of people in my practice have hematuria and very often these patients have at least some metabolic disturbances (dyslipidemia, raised levels of ALT or AST, obesity...). Do you maybe know, how would metabolic syndrome cause hematuria and why?

Apo E 4/4

Managing apo E 4/4 In post menopausal woman with strong family history of breast cancer (but gene test is negative) Would you recommend post menopausal hormone therapy in addition to a statin as cardio and cognition protection?

Highly Sensitive People & Non-Violent Communication

I have been particularly interested in your focus on mental health and how fostering better relationships can be a key factor in promoting longevity. Reading about the challenges you faced with rage, anger and mental health in greater detail in Outlive has driven me to focus more deeply on my mental health, because I definitely saw a lot of “me” in your stories from Chapter 17. With this in mind, I would like to suggest two podcast topics that I believe would be of great value to you, me and a great deal of your audience: Highly Sensitive People and Non-Violent Communication. Highly Sensitive People (HSP) is a term coined by Elaine Aron Ph.D. used to describe individuals (potentially between 15-20% of the population) who are more sensitive to their environment and emotions than the average person. This trait is often overlooked in discussions about mental health, but it can have a profound impact on how individuals experience the world around them. By highlighting HSP, you could help bring awareness to the trait & help those of us who are not HSPs, just how much trauma our aggressive, type A+ nature can be causing for them. Non-Violent Communication (NVC) is a communication style developed by psychologist, Marshall Rosenburg that focuses on empathy, respect, and understanding. NVC teaches individuals how to communicate their needs and feelings in a way that is compassionate and non-judgmental. This type of communication has been shown to improve relationships and reduce conflict, which can have a positive impact on mental and physical health. I think this fits perfectly with the of “reframing” that you discuss in your book.

What is causing BUN to be high?

I've had normal BUN and Creatinine levels for several years now on a moderate protein diet (maybe 5 g/lb.) - but now that I've been increasing my protein per your recommendations and Don Layman's excellent analysis to 8-9 g/lb. my BUN levels are climbing (from about 15 before to 27 now). In your book you mention the upper limit of protein intake to be so much higher than what I'm eating now, but what's up with BUN already giving a red flag at this level? Are there other indications or involvements that would elevate this? Thanks so much!


Does lifting weights increase the risk of aneurysm? Is there a relative low risk scan that could be done to detect aneurysm’s if you’re at risk. What might be some ways to mitigate risk?