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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Leqvio vs PSK9 inhibitor

Peter could you please briefly discus on one of the podcast or AMA the difference between Leqvio and PSK9 inhibitor, downsides of each one and, how to think on which one to go with Thank you , log therm subscriber

protein powder

I listed to Peter and Rhonda where he talks about getting twice his body weight in protein. This is almost impossible...I know he mentioned a "snack meal" of venison sticks and protein shakes. Are the sticks from Maui Nui? And, what whey protein does he recommend? Thank you:)


74 and wanting to squat down to read putts Right now can only squat to knee height and can’t get back down to my haunches

CTA scan

Where do you send your patients to get a CTA?

Caffeine and Longevity

Interested in a deep dive on the topic of caffeine and longevity. How does caffeine affect long-term neurodegeneration and cognitive performance? Are the cognitive benefits mainly from long-term or short-term use? If there are benefits for cognition and reducing dementia, are they worth the potential negative effects on sleep, blood pressure, cortisol, and blood flow to the brain? What exactly are the risks/negative effects from long-term caffeine use? How do the pros and cons stack up – do we have long-term data on whether caffeine is a net positive or net negative? What is the quality of our data? Is there a non-zero amount of caffeine consumption that is healthy (unlike alcohol as Peter has stated)? And if caffeine does happen to be beneficial overall, what's the optimum strategy/dosage for use?