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Altitude Training & Longevity

Hi Peter, I own and operate an indoor high altitude facility in Atlanta, GA. We specialize in working with all types of athletes, as well as mountain climbers. Our indoor facility can reach up to approx 15,000ft and we utilize a separate machine for clients who are going higher which reaches up to 24,000ft. Because of the numerous physiological benefits of altitude I believe it can also enhance/improve longevity. Would love to hear your thoughts and see you do a podcast on it. If you're ever in the Atlanta area please come check us out! Thanks!

Exercise regimen for 66 year old needing hip surgery in pretty damn good shape

Hello Peter, I have so much admiration for what you are doing. That said, I find your work too technical, and like most folks, I am looking to be told what to do, when you are about providing the information for us to make our own personal choice. I have listened to your book, bought your book, and met you on Limitless and admired and admire your mission. I will say I have also been encouraged by the data from the Nature Cure by the German Andreas Michaelson, where they seem to be employing a data driven natural solution to the issues of the crap with medicine 2.0 employed universally in Europe that Western Medicine has not scratched the surface. That said, in looking at the Decathlon for your truly at 100, I would like to kick some ass. I swim, walk, Peloton meditate, yoga, bike and weight train and just do not have any idea if I am making a difference or just fucking around ( apologies for banter). I saw your $2500 program which I am not sure is for me or necessary. That said, I do know any input you can give any patient is damn lucky to have it.

FSH, menopause, and Alzheimer's

I am a woman in my early 40's with one APOE4 copy. My mother is in her late 60's and was diagnosed three years ago with Alzheimer's (with a APOE4 allele it seems she inherited from her father who did not show signs of Alzheimer's until at least his late 70's). My mother did not take HRT during menopause, I intend to. A 2022 Nature article by Xiong et al. found that rising FSH levels appear to be causally related to the amyloid cascade in mice and that blocking FSH reduced Alzheimer's symptoms. Since this article came out last March (on my birthday, in fact), there has been no further discussion in the literature or the press about the implications of this. What do you make of this? Do you think there will be drugs developed and clinical trials soon to follow? As I look towards my perimenopausal years I worry about rising FSH levels with no way to lower them. Thank you, Summer Xiong, J., Kang, S. S., Wang, Z., Liu, X., Kuo, T. C., Korkmaz, F., Padilla, A., Miyashita, S., Chan, P., Zhang, Z., Katsel, P., Burgess, J., Gumerova, A., Ievleva, K., Sant, D., Yu, S. P., Muradova, V., Frolinger, T., Lizneva, D., Iqbal, J., … Ye, K. (2022). FSH blockade improves cognition in mice with Alzheimer's disease. Nature, 603(7901), 470–476. Format:

Neuroplasticity and Pain Reprocessing Therapy for Chronic Pain

Would you consider doing an episode on Pain Reprocessing Therapy as a tool for treating non-structural chronic pain? Based on your own stated experience of body pain during your stressful move from California to Texas, it seems common for the brain to go on high alert during stressful situations and often manifest as pain. Would love to see some of the leading people on your show: Alan Gordon, David Hanscom, Les Aria.


When does Early open up for Enrollment again?