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Endurance Sport and Atherosclerosis

Is there any evidence that apoB lowering medication can offset accelerated atherosclerosis caused by endurance sports e.g. ultrarunning? With Peter's high METs output per week and rucking it would seem plausible because rucking for multiple hours would have similar intensity to mid-pack trail running (aka glorified bushwalking). Background - After reading Outlive I went for a screen and shocked to find a low CAC score at 40 years old. 8+ years of non competitive ultrarunning, and with a history of acceptable lipid levels throughout this period to boot. Now wondering if I medicate to drop apoB to the max will it be wise to go on full day adventure runs in zone 2? Not current GP will not prescribe medication due to good lipid profile.


Can you express your opinion about CARs Controlled Articulate Rotation) exercises? This seem to be filling the mobility/stability section of the longevity program.

treatment of telomere shortening

In your quest for longevity why do you not mention the NEJM article by Townnsley et al 5/19/16 or any data on androgens?

Exercise muscle mTor rapamycin and circadian rhythm

the body has a natural circadian rhythm of autophagy and anabolism and balance if you take rapamycin and increase autophagy will you not decrease muscle strength and performance and upset circadian rhythm?


since normal aging decreases testosterone, strength and lean body mass-why not supplement with testosterone to maintain median normal levels of testosterone and increase LBM and strength?