Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Nicotine and Spine Disorders

AMA #161 discusses all things nicotine. When you speak of the risks associated with nicotine, you do not discuss the potential relationship with nicotine and spine disorders. At the conclusion of the AMA, I think the impression to listeners is that nicotine pouches are of minimal risk other than addiction. But I’m concerned the potential association with nicotine and spine conditions was not examined properly. Smoking and chewing tobacco have been directly associated with early degenerative changes in the spine and premature intervertebral disc damage. I am PA-C specializing in orthopedic spine surgery, and I anecdotally see premature spine degeneration associated with tobacco use every single day in clinic. Multiple studies have established this link. You have a personal history of a spine disorder, so you can attest to the disabling nature of a disc herniation, radiculopathy, etc. Do you think nicotine pouches contribute to premature intervertebral disc degeneration? Is it the tobacco (not the nicotine) causing premature aging of the intervertebral discs? There are multiple studies which indicate tobacco use is harmful to the spine, and animal studies which indicate nicotine promotes disc destruction through multiple pathways. I want to make sure your listeners are fully aware of the potential association with nicotine use and spine disorders. Thanks!

Current landscape of generics — re Katherine Eban

I just listened to that fascinating and horrifying podcast from 2019. Are things better or do we still need to worry about our safety? And any tips on how to shop smarter/safer (the resource she spoke of in the podcast is no longer on her website)?

Fasting mimicking diets

Do you currently believe FMDs help with longevity (knocking out cancer cells, etc)? I realize we can just fast, but I personally find options, like Prolon, to be no big deal. I don’t have the discipline to eat nothing.

Just a suggestion/request

Instead of asking about personal health issues on Twitter/Insta, which I won’t do, I’d love it if you made a page for your members on this website to correspond with each other. You don’t have time to respond to most comments, so it would be great if we posted a question so that one of your listeners can weigh in or let us know what they’ve heard you say (realizing not all information will be accurate, but it would be better than what happens in a more public space). I see we get extra points for weighing in on the great candy debate. Of COURSE I’ve heard of and have eaten that candy!

The child bearing years and the toll it takes in women’s health

I’m curious about the degradations and or improvements the pregnancy, birthing, post partum era play on a women’s body and health. Birthing children and mothering is such a life changing time period for women and spouses for a large portion of life. Is there any research regarding brain changes, physiological changes, and outcomes after a couple has children. I love all the information your podcast provides but I sometimes can’t relate at this stage of life and would also like to know what I can do to make the most of this “survival state of the early child raising years”.