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I listened to AMA 21 (Episode 153) and also Episode 83 with Bill Harris. I am still a bit curious of what the recommended dosages are of MUFA and PUFA, and whether to supplement with additional flax seeds, chia seeds, walnuts, etc. Would be great to have a deep dive on fats!

Osteoporosis and Caffeine

I have osteoporosis and my doctor told me to stop ingesting caffeine. Is there any evidence that caffeine harms bone health, and separately that coffee or soda do (caffeinated or decaffeinated)?

Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's around the age of 8 or 10. I've noticed certain dietary changes seem to help but would like to not be on synthroid the rest of my life. Is this a common occurrence within your practice or something that can be fixed?

Ezetimibe monotherapy

In an otherwise healthy middle-aged person with moderately elevated apo-B (80-100 mg/dL) and a plasma sterol panel suggesting hyperabsorption and normal synthesis, would Zetia be a good first-line choice for a lipid-lowering agent, or would you still recommend a statin?

Zone 2 Cardio and Strength Gains

I've read in several articles ( that long distance cardio can be a decrement to strength training and that for those trying to gain strength and mass, that short burst cardio like sprinting was better. I want to increase my Zone 2 training, but don't want it to hurt my strength gains. How do I do this?