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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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How to find a practice that focusses on keeping you well?

Western medicine is responsive when you get ill. Where are the doctors that help you still healthy and catch you to maintain a healthy lifestyle so the individual is part of the solution?

Zone 5 Training Protocol

Hi Peter! Is there any possibility on going deeper on your recommended Zone 5 training protocol? You recommend 4x4x4 but I'm curious what that translates to in terms of time across various HR zones. I worry about pushing too hard (I've felt dizzy at times and had to stop). Perhaps as a starting point - for a typical 4x4x4 training session, how many minutes are you actually in Zone 5? Thank you!

Advice for someone with very high HDL-C

I listened with great interest to your podcast on HDL recently. Do you have any advice for someone, like me, who has very high HDL-C (2.6mmol/L / 100mg/dL) and has been told that, even though their total cholesterol level is on the high side (in my case 6.5mml/L / 250mg/dL) that all is fine because their 'good cholesterol' is so high. In my case HDL-C has been this high for at least 8 years now but total cholesterol has increased. I have no other risk factors and I am 66y old. For example would taking a statin to lower LDL-C be advisable to decrease the risk of ASCVD? I know you won't give personal advice but I would be interested to hear your ideas for what sort of actions those of us with this condition should take.

Literature Review Tips

You have such a grasp of the literature on such a wide range of topics. How do you go about doing a literature review? This may seem like a simple question, but as a medical student I have learned that it is easier said than done doing a thorough literature review.

AMA on everything SKIN please!

Cause if we were to maximize lifespan and health span, we should look good through those years as well, right? 1. How is eczema linked to other conditions? Why are many children not born with eczema but develop it later in childhood? 2. Why are nut and gluten allergies becoming so rampant? Practically unheard of in my generation. 3. I’m sometimes allergic to alcohol but not at other times- How to make body less sensitive and reactive? 4. What’s the best way to have healthy, glowing skin? That’s actually my main burning question and I’m sure many others would love to know how to achieve this from internal, not plastic work as well. Thanks for reading!