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Minimise muscle loss on GLP-1

Can you minimise muscle loss on GLP-1s by being on a low dose (e.g. 0.5mg) for a longer time and supplementing with creatine, sufficient protein and weight training?

Home gym recommendations

What are the “Peter Attia essentials” for starting a home gym?

Health care system costs

Not really a question here but I would love to have you have marty Makary and/or ZDogg on to talk about the problems with the cost of the US Healthcare system so we can all learn more about that topic and what to do about it

GLP-1/GIP Receptor Agonists Podcast Follow Up Questions

Clinical trials questions 1. Is it worth noting the starting weight of the patients in the trials? That the heavier the patients the more weight they lost on the medication as well as placebo (knowing there was a diet/lifestyle intervention for all patients)? 2. Given that ALL the patients (placebo arm and active arm) were on a lifestyle intervention program, could this be why the patients on the medication didn’t gain all their weight back after being off for some time? Ideally the patients would have adopted some new healthy habits (diet and exercise) while on the medication that would enable them to at least keep some weight off. General Questions 1. Do you think the high incidence of nausea is related to the fact that patients (esp non diabetics) were perhaps getting hypoglycemic? Maybe aiming to prevent hypoglycemia you can attenuate this AE? 2. These meds no doubt decrease your appetite but do they also decrease your thirst? You mentioned perhaps HA being potentially related to dehydration.. 3. Do you think the lower rates of AEs seen with tirzepatide are simply because the GLP-1 affinity is so much less? Maybe the affinity to the GIP receptor is helpful with regards to AE’s. 4. What happens to non-diabetics A1C’s in your patients on these meds? Is it possible for an A1C to be “too low?” 5. You mentioned that some patients can be non-responders. What do these people look like? Any thoughts as to why? 6. I know muscle loss is a big deal. Surely you have some patients who have not lost muscle mass (or haven’t loss a worrisome amount). Is there something they are doing that can help others not lose as much- perhaps they are doing a regular strength straining program and/or consuming adequate protein? Thanks for all you do!!!

What is known about brain states during the day?

We have different phases during sleep. Are there analogous phases during the day? Around 4:00 pm I get grumpy. Is that grumpiness good for anything? It is a good time to have a Guinness, but maybe there is something better.