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Official Guide Supplements

Can you not make a list of official supplements you recommend and take. With all due respect, I'm a programmer but I don't take too much time in longevity and supplements. Hopefully you can make a clear list or guideline. These blogs I don't trust what they write about your taking.

Too much protein in one meal

Two questions about protein synthesis after all your discussion: (1) does the amount of protein (30-50 grams) fluctuate with bodyweight or any other factor? (2) If you eat excess protein, say 100g at a meal, and excess protein is excreted -- should it count for calories that day (thermodynamics and energy conservation)? Thanks!

Respiration Rate to Determine Zone 2?

I try to do an hour of Zone 2 on an elliptical 3 hrs/week, but I can't keep my heart rate in the 70-80% of max that I believe is your formula. I'm 74 years old and various published formulas put my max hr from 146 to 164 bpm. Even with low resistance settings, after about 20 minutes my heart rate will be up in the high 130's. I think I could carry on a conversation, but just barely, as you suggest, but I wonder if there's a rule of thumb for respiration rate that might be easier to measure. After reading the James Nestor book Breath I've been doing all my cardio with my mouth closed, and when I measure my respiration rate, I'm right around 20 breaths per minute. Is there any way to relate that measurement to Zone 2?

Longevity as a medical specialty

Hi team, I was wondering if you had any suggestions for junior doctors/medical students/aspiring physicians who are passionate about the field of longevity and would like to practice in this field? Particularly around most suitable training programs/courses. Thank you!

Lp-PLA2 Activity - please discuss

As a result of learning from you, I went to get my ApoB and Lp(a) checked. Those were good (84 and 60 respectively). However, I got a high number on a metric I have not heard you discuss, LP-PLA2 (mine was 140). Would you please include a discussion of LP-PLA2 the next time you talk about ASCVD along with other tests included on a panel like Cardio IQ, the one my physician ordered for me? Suggestions include Oxidized LDL, ADMA/SDMA, hsCRP, and myeloperoxidase. Thank you, Peter. Your public-facing work, along with that of Andrew Huberman, has changed my life for the better.