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LCHF news

Recently, CNN published an article citing a Canadian study that linked (?) LCHF diet to higher risk for cardiac events. Although this has been discussed before, is there anything new we need to be aware of when following the LCHF diet?

Rapamycin substitute

can everolimus be substituted for Rapamycin and if so at what dose?

Protein bolus and CGM

Consider someone eating in one sitting a given quantity of pure protein (say, poached chicken breast or whey isolate in water) and nothing else, and then monitor their CGM data. Is it correct to assume that as long as there's no glucose bump the entirety of the protein bolus was used for lean tissue (e.g., muscle)? If yes, would it make sense for someone to experiment and try to find out the maximum amount of protein they can consume in one sitting and still utilize the totality for lean mass? Would you expect that amount to vary during the day and from one day to the next, or in relation with the exercise regimen?

NMN and Pregnenolone

Peter, Is there any benefits of Nicotinamide? I am interested in your opinion on Pregnenolone supplementation.

Dr. Recommended Peptide for 10 weeks- Are any truly safe? Other prescription strength Alternatives...

I'm a 35 year old male. I recently have experienced less energy overall. I've had a longer need for recovery from both routine resistance training and competitive tennis. A lot can likely be associated with aging. I regularly do short (15 hour) intermittent fasting. I am fairly health conscious about my diet in quantity and quality. Based on my fatigue, lack of any meaningful gains in a long time and unusual lack of drive I did a blood test measuring my Testosterone, SHBG, T4 and many other tests. The only markers that stood our where my SHBG and Albumin, both being high and free test being low (<2% of total test). My provider wanted me to try 10 weeks of a peptide. He recommended CJC and Ipamorelin. I'm very concerned about potential long term impacts. Are there any truly safe peptides for an average healthy person that needs some improvement or are there other RX strength alternatives with more marginal or short term side effects compared to peptides that my Dr. and I could look into to address the same symptoms and concerns. Sorry for the length on this.