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Framework for formulating diet

Is there a good framework for thinking about how to focus diet at the individual level based on body metrics. I find fasting easy and like the potential preventative benefits it can provide for cancer and other chronic disease. On the other hand, I am probably a bit low in msucle mass and improving that will also benefit other chronic disease, but fasting is going to hinder muscle gain. How do we think about balancing weight loss, muscle gain and focusing diet based on the individual? For example, measure specific body metrics and then weight them based on importance and use it to inform diet.

Quick cutting phase. Is it possible?

If I can get enough protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, essential lipids, and antioxidants in a 12 hr window/day, can I do a cutting phase with 2000 kcal deficit and not loose muscle? Given that I do adequate resistance work, and only Zone 1 cardio to raise caloric expenditure. Just to make it more viable, let’s say doing that for 12 weeks.

Is medication needed?

If Apo A is 184 , ApoB 102 ( high) ratio 0.57 ( average risk for females) and Lp(a) is 16.8, HDL 70, Triglycerite 40, total cholesterol 237 and calculated LDL ( NIH) 160.

The role of clinical genetics

Dear Peter, I'm a medical doctor and recently started my residency in clinical genetics in The Netherlands. With the increasing knowledge on genetics, commercially available tests and comprehensive toolkit in genetic diagnostics (inlcluding functional testing, RNA etc.), what are your general thoughts on the development/the future of the field of clinical genetics and its incoorporation in the more common fields of medicine and longevity?

Metformin and NMN

did you manage to get an answer regarding wether it makes sense to take Metformin and NMN (due to the fact Metformin is inhibiting complex I and possibly reducing the substrate NAD+)