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Glucose levels while fasting (>1 day)

Thanks for all the great work and content! I am a healthy 45 year old with normal glucose levels. I recently started doing a 3-day fast every month (just finished my 3rd one) and used a CGM during the last one for the first time. I found that after 48 hours my glucose levels remain very low (sub <60) with dips below 50 at times. I am using both Libre 3 and Keto Mojo to monitor this, and while there are some inconsistencies, they are generally in the same ballpark. Given this, my questions are: 1. What glucose levels are expected/ normal during a 3-day fast? 2. If no other symptoms (e.g. light-headedness, etc.) occur, should the fasting protocol continue if you are getting into the 40s? 3. What if symptoms of low-glucose do occur? 4. What are some ways to increase glucose levels (a bit) while maintaining overall benefits of prolonged fasting? 5. What levels of differences is expected/ acceptable across different glucose monitors?

Rosuvastatin vs atorvastatin. Peter's "go to" statins and why he favors them

(1) Studies show rosuvastatin is about 3 times more effective at lowering atherogenic particle numbers than the same dosage of atorvastatin. For example, a 10 mg daily dose of rosuva has a comparable LDL-C lowering effect to 29 mg atorva. Does dosage matter, and if so isn't this a strong reason for many or most of us on atorva to switch to rosuva? (2) I read that atorva is metabolized in the liver by CYP3A4, which is responsible for the metabolism of numerous medications, and rosuva is metabolized by the 2C9 enzymes and minimally affected by CYP3A4. Is this a key differential, especially for those with high liver enzymes on atorva and/or taking other meds? (3) Is there any reason for people with "mid range" CVD risk to take atorva rather than rosuva? You've mentioned liking other statins -- please say more about your "go to" statin(s) and give details for why you favor them.

Is Enclomiphene effective and safe?

Seeing lots of ads for this clogging my social feeds. Curious if the claims are true that it can actually increase testosterone without ruining bodies natural ability to generate its own if you go off the medication.

Metformin and B12

Any truth to metformin lowering b12 and if so how to address or monitor this?

Resting Heart Rate

Is a high resting heart rate a concern? Why? What if it was raised due to TRT and Thyroid medication (say 60-80) or any other medication? Still a concern?