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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Exercise Induced Migraines

Do you have any advice on how to handle exercise induced migraines? I got them more as a teenager, or maybe I just don't work out as hard anymore, but they would usually come 30-90 minutes after intense cardio. Symptoms would be painful headache, sometimes vomiting and sensitivity to light.

Supplements and probiotics

Do you have an opinion on the nutritional value of Balance of Nature products in conjunction with a healthy diet, and what is your knowledge or opinion about pendulum glucose control as a probiotic and gut health biome as it relates to pre-diabetes, type1 &2? Can it really help reduce blood sugars in conjunction with a healthy diet?

Reducing body fat with Intermittent fasting

I’ve lost 65 pounds from IMF over last 15 months, from 215 to 150. 46 year old male 5”11. My body fat went from 30 to 18. But it’s been stuck there and I don’t want to lose more muscle. I want to reduce body fat to 12-15%. I fast daily on a 18/6. Lunch is a banana/3 egg whites and a salmon salad w avacado, dinner is grilled chicken and asparagus. Only water too. Every day no changes. I take amino acids and a light isolate protein shake w water after workout which is mostly weights for an hour a 10 min cardio 6 days a week . Larginine and Natrol and a few vitamins too. Is it counter productive to keep inter fasting? I feel like you hit a wall on reducing body fat at a certain point.

Fuel partitioning

Can you explain what is fuel partitioning, how you measure it, what are some things that correlated with it like testosterone and how it affects body composition?

TRT with prostate medicine

I was reading on your website about TRT combined with prostate medicine and how side effects of the TRT were minimized by the prostate medicine. I can't find that article again, could you give me a link to that discussion?