Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Measuring progress of the stability pillar

How does Peter measure his progress within the realm of stability? Of course, closing up the "force leaks" will lead to a gain in strength that can be measured. However, how does one know that they're on the right track when training stability? (e.g. Peter mentioned that his spinal erectors are less visible)

David Goggins

What does Peter think of David Goggins’s approach to health and wellness by building confidence through action? Has he been considered as a guest for the podcast?

Knee podcast

You recently made a podcast about the upperbody. Could you make a podcast talking about the knees? I think most of the people get injured over their lifetime. What would be the key aspects to keep your knees healthy over the long term being a runner?

Patient Leverage with New Medical Bill Transparency Law

In Episode #68, you explained a great deal about patient leverage with medical bills post service. Much of this had to do with the fact that patients never agreed to pay the amounts on the bills up front. There was no "contract". Now that hospitals and doctors are required to give patients up-front estimates of charges, are patients now losing all of that leverage? What ability do we have to challenge medical bill costs PRIOR to receiving service? I've had hospitals make me sign forms agreeing to the cost prior to getting a procedure done, essentially holding me hostage to agree or refuse service. How do we navigate this new world of supposedly positive transparency while still keeping hospitals and doctors honest?

Pregnancy - Fitness and Diet Guidelines

Can you do an episode digging into the data and logic behind exercise and food/alcohol restrictions during pregnancy? There's so much conflicting data out there that seems to change depending on what doctor you ask. I'd love to get your analytical approach to this topic.