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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Why aren’t we talking about glucagon and insulin and the liver when we use these drugs. Everyone says “you eat less”. That’s true. I’ve taken Rybelsus. I definitely ate less. But Now I eat more calories than before I started. Junk I would never eat. I went from 144 to 93 (5’ tall 45yo). I’m a pharmacist. I do not believe that the only way this drug works is by “making you eat less”. I can eat less with more calories. How can we inhibit glucagon but never bottom out? What role does glucagon carry in diabetes? Do the alpha cells kill the beta cells in the pancreas? There are so many questions. Everyone says the only thing glp1s do is make you eat less which is only 1/2 of the equation. Doctors are telling patients they can stop the drug and “eat better & exercise”. They all gain it back. Because it’s not only a problem of consumption & calories I think it’s the way your liver mobilizes glycogen in the presence of too much glucose. I need to know more! It’s super specific. Why can’t we get there? And forget about GLP1 & GIP (mounjaro). I need to sort out GLP before we get to that. I could ramble forever! I hope you understand my question. There’s absolutely no way glp1 agonists ONLY work on the gut & brain. There is a lot more in the liver & pancreas but we are clouded by the great results elsewhere. Hope to hear from you! I love the podcast & it keeps all of my pharmacist & physician friends intrigued!

COVID Update

There were so many updates and episodes regarding COVID - now I don’t see anything since Jan 2022. Considering everything that has been revealed over the past year, are there any plans to talk about effects of the vax, treatments for those who were forced to take it, or thoughts on things you would change or repeat if a similar situation occurred?

What is the evidence for a higher protein intake for aging adults?

There are two studies that I have found that offer conflicting results concerning protein intake and incidence of sarcopenia. The first study found that a older adults with a low protein intake were more likely to develop sarcopenia and the second found that those with who consumed a high protein diet (>1.3g/kg/day) were significantly more likely to develop sarcopenia. These studies are at odds with each other, and the second one seems to be at odds with most of the current thinking on protein intake. What should I make of the second study's finding that, "High protein intake is associated with sarcopenia, even after adjustment for a range of covariates."? Coelho-Junior, H. J., Calvani, R., Azzolino, D., Picca, A., Tosato, M., Landi, F., Cesari, M., & Marzetti, E. (2022). Protein Intake and Sarcopenia in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(14), 8718. Mary Ni Lochlainn, Ruth C E Bowyer, Ailsa A Welch, Kevin Whelan, Claire J Steves, Higher dietary protein intake is associated with sarcopenia in older British twins, Age and Ageing, Volume 52, Issue 2, February 2023, afad018,

body fat scales

What does dr. attia think about body fat scales? Versus dexa scan? thanks

Bryan Johnson vs Peter Attia

I have recently seen the AMA 44, and seeing your numbers was great but they are a bit scarce. Specially during those 7 years gap without data. It sounds a bit weird that you seem to be throwing to the bin every dietary advise for longevity and just keeping this "new" idea of becoming Lou Ferrigno. And you may be right, I'm looking to some Lou's photographs and he really looks great at his 71 years! (Better than Bryan's Elf looking ones) But now that you are the proponent of the Centenarian Olympics, it would be amazing to get more measurements from you and some of other persons from your "tribe" (I mean your team mates and coaches who are following a similar approach to life style). And compare those measurements to those that are being reported by Bryan Johnson. I mean, it would be great to compare the trajectory of measurements from you and your tribe against those coming from Bryan Johnson and his tribe. (Together with a basketball match to also compare real life playful performance.) So, the main question is: When would you like to be measured in Bryan Johnson facilities (beyond dexa) to see if your protocol is really moving the needle towards a better performance in the Centenarian Olympics. I mean better than other protocols (I guess we should stop comparing vs the average US population, like in your AMA44. As we already know that 95% percent of US population is sick)