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What is Longevity? white line development with optimal intervention in older people

Hi Team, I ve just started watching, reading & working through all the great content. Starting with 'What is Longevity?' I am wondering how the white curve would develop for older folks that suddenly start to do an optimal intervention. I know it is a very simplistic model, but could an optimal intervention only slow down the progression of decline, maybe stall it or even reverse decline? How could I visualize this graphically? Thank you

Creatine for pregnant/nursing women

Is it fine for pregnant and/or nursing women to take creatine (packaging has a warning label)?

Triglyceride Rich LDL?

Thoughts on TG rich LDL and if Peter uses this lab in practice. Here’s the article that got me interested:


I have tied Trazadone (50mg) to understand it's ability to enable uninterrupted sleep. It clearly has an amazing ability to produce uninterrupted sleep without any obvious side effects. Can you explain what the pitfalls may be of continuous use and whether it would be worthwhile to try a lower dose?

Longevity Physicians

Hi , Glenn from Houston. I was curious if Peter has developed a network of Longevity professionals where I can get the tests, exercise regimes, dietary direction and patient specific advice targeted to my body, metabolism and medical history. I follow Peter pretty closely but have had difficulty getting my personal physician to listen to me. Do you have any references for the Houston area?