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Chek2 gene

What is your approach in males who test positive for the Chek2 gene? I know the Baseline is more regular colonoscopy screening, but I have also seen some other less pronounced associated risk factors (eg kidney), so I would be grateful if you might discuss your comprehensive view of that presence. Thank you!

French Contrast Method?

I finally broke down and hired a personal trainer. I've been using the French contrast method (big compound lift followed by some fast twitch) and I've been amazed by how well I'm absorbing the word. Was curious if you had any experience with this method?

Current Stem Cell Research

Hi there! In looking at the AMA and Podcast it seems that all the stem cell information is from about 3-4 years ago. Have there been any notable advances in this research? I am just wondering thoughts on stem cell banking, etc. Is something like this worth it or do we still need more trials? Someone referred me to this >


In terms of soluble and insoluble fiber what is the preferred media and is there a minimum a person should be targeting daily to promote system synergy?

Autophagy vs lean mass - how to optimise?

The last pod on the dexa scans was very informative. All is clear to me except one thing - as autophagy cannot be triggered without fasting, does the decision to discontinue fasting imply a) autophagy is not that important, and/or b) maintaining lean mass is more important than autophagy. It would be super interesting to get the updated view on autophagy as I think many of us members see that as the key benefit from fasting. Also, if noone else has put their hand up I can admit I had never heard about the candy brand you discussed. Probably because I live and grew up in Sweden :)