Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Methylene blue

What are your thoughts on Methylene blue for preserving/recharging mitochondria, aging and brain health. Seems like a one of a kind brain electron recycler

Women and mammograms

Hello- I’m 40 and just had my first mammogram. I was wondering your thoughts on screening and radiation. I know you are a DEXA fan and may have more light to shed on the subject. Do mammograms cause cancer or prevent it with early detection. My goals is to be in the Centenarian Decathalon and cancer would put a wench in my plans. Hoping the radiation used during these test do not cause DNA damage- and if it did. What do women do? Please share your thoughts and offer a poignant guest speaker to help guide your female listeners. Thank you.

Raynaud Syndrome Management

What do you recommend for people with Raynaud's Syndrome? Should they avoid cold water plunges or saunas (or are those beneficial)? Any medications or actions one can take to keep their fingers/toes healthy as they age.

Strength training with a pacemaker as a senior (70+)

What advice would you give a senior citizen, with a pacemaker, who wants to stay active and to avoid muscle atrophy/achieve hypertrophy? What considerations might go into deciding exercise intensity and frequency. Or, which zones they may safely train within and for how long?

Plant sterols for managing LDL/ApoB

My doctor is pushing taking a blend of phytosterols to lower my elevated LDL/ApoB. I know in the Dayspring mega-podcast you suggested this was unwise because phytosterols are more atherogenic. Can you elaborate on the use of phytosterols for lipid management? There seems to be an entire camp that thinks they are sent from God himself to save us from ApoB. Thank you!