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Zone 2 training only

I'm 71 yr old male. I do the same extended workout daily, maybe missing 1-2d/yr. It consists of doing 9000 steps daily on stairs (105 continuous steps up on the backside of a dam, 8" rise on each step) going to the top, returning to the bottom, walking not running, no rest about 45 sets. Takes me about 1.5 hrs. I never get "tired" and am conversational the entire time. I can measure my lactate (I have access to a meter) but have not. Been doing this for 6 yrs, but have increased from 30 sets to 45 sets in that time. I had one stress test at age 67yr and pulled 19.1 mets but the exercise physiologist said the machine was at its max (no more elevation or speed but I doubted him). At that time I said, "I've got more in me!" but he said, "No, you're at your HR max" (I was at 155 HR) and he stopped the test. I'm satisfied with my aerobic ability. Is there really a need to go harder on some days (ie, zone 3)? Thank you kindly...

Strength Metric Assessment

Hello Dr. Attia, I was very interested in your podcast about strength metric assessment and wondering if you would be able to do a podcast about all 10 aspects of that assessment. In one podcast you listed a few of them including: dead hang, air squat, farmers carry, grip strength, and VO2 max.

Long-term effects of chronic side effects

Hi Peter, thank you for your education on ozempic. I watched your initial AMA on the topic, and you mentioned that many people can’t tolerate the side effects. Is there a problem with putting up with side effects long-term? If someone has chronic daily diarrhea and is willing to put up with it for the benefit of weight loss, is there a health problem with that? Thank you very much.

Long-covid voice problems

Hi Dr. Attia, Are you familiar with long-covid voice problems? My husband had Covid almost 5 months ago. He had laryngitis for over a month It slowly improved to hoarseness. Now, 5 months later, he is still hoarse, and more disturbing is that he can’t sing. He is a musician. He can’t connect his chest voice to his head voice; notes are missing. This is very upsetting and worrisome, as you can imagine. The ENT did an endoscopy and said that he found no damage to his vocal cords. He is blaming it on dripping. He gave him Ipratropium bromide nasal spray and azelastine nasal spray. They are not helping at all. Have you heard of this problem and do you have any recommendations please? Many thanks!

Calibrating G6

When to calibrate fasting or during meal. How accurate should this be to note not to calibrate? Should you ever double input calibration to bring the CGM to the exact finger prick reading?