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Charcoal/smokers carcinogens?

Does cooking your food with coals and/or a smoker lead to a material absolute increase in your chances of getting cancer?

CGM Behavior

What does it mean, or what is happening when my glucose goes down initially about 10 mg/dL right when consuming food? What other behavior such as it not going up for hours after consuming something like pizza? Any other behaviors that we can see with a CGM? Insulin sensitivity?

Effects of different foods on glucose w/CGM

Obviously candy spikes my blood sugar… I have found that sushi rolls don’t.. nearly as much. Does this mean my body is better at utilizing? Or that my body is excreting way more insulin when consuming to prevent the spike? If it’s the latter, is that good?

Feeling tired after large carb meal at lunch.

Some don’t feel the hit after a sandwich at lunch. Sometimes if I am fasting I get intermittently for consistent days, I can barely keep my eyes open if I sit still. What is going on? I also do t see much of a spike on my CGM. Confusing.

What are the Optimal Fasting Glucose levels

As subject states. What should I be waking up to?