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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Fatty Liver, High Creatinine, low subcutaneous body fat, very fit 58 year old male

Moderate fatty liver based on abdominal ultrasound. 1.54 mg/dl Creatinine. Very fit. I've been on carnivore diet mostly for about 12 months. Eating approximately 150 g of protein per day (5 eggs plus 1 lb of ribeye). Glomerular filtration rate 46.7 mL/min/1.73m2 (MDRD - 4). Uric Acid 6.8 mg/dl. What should I do to improve my renal function?

Sauna before sleep

In AMA about sleep Peter mentioned that sauna improve sleep. I tested it on myself and noticed that sauna just before sleep increased my average sleep heart bpm which is tread by sleep tracking apps as not good for sleep. Can you share what Peter thinks about it?

Optimal breathing frequency

Hi Peter, I often read that 6 breaths per minute is the optimal amount of times to breathe per minute. Could it be beneficial to do this for longer bouts of time, say 1-2 hours per day or even longer? (in an equal in/out breath system) Or would that create parasympathetic dominance? Thank you!

Reconciling differing opinions

Can we talk about the cognitive dissonance in non-practitioners who are regular listeners of the podcast? There are so many varying opinions in the field, as well as amongst Peter's guests on the podcast. I get whiplash trying to digest all the info. Layne Norton and Peter say gobble down Protein. David Sinclair recommends limiting protein. I do not really see Peter trying to challenge people. I suspect it is partly out of respect for differing opinions. But I also think he needs to add a summary at the end of the podcast of what his disagreements with his guests are, and how his listeners should approach reconciling conflicting statements

Osteoporosis treatment options

Peter -- Thanks so much for all the work you do. I really enjoyed the discussions about building muscle mass, exercise, etc. I turned 70 a couple of years ago, and I have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. I have taken Fosamax and Actonel back in 2005 thru 2010 when the diagnosis was Osteopenia. I exercise regularly and do strength training, but I have been unable to stop the decrease in BMD. My latest Dexa scan (Sep 2022) shows the following results: AP Spine – L1-L4: -3.1 Total Hip – Left: -2.6 I need to start a treatment as I realize I cannot reverse this decline any other way. What is the best way to select a treatment for osteoporosis? I would like to compare them side by side and look at the benefits/side effects for each one of them. Could HRT be considered one of the option treatments? When and if you do an episode on osteoporosis (hopefully soon), would you address the options for women over the age of 65 that have been diagnosed with this disease and what can they do to stay healthy. That will be very helpful. Thank you.