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Greetings: I don't think you've addressed TMAO and risk for CADz? Years ago a Dr Sinatra was recommending Carnitine supplements to increase NO vs CADz. My understanding is that carnitine in meat and dairy will cause gut flora to generate TMA -> TMAO , and that a vegetarian diet, hence low in carnitine decreases TMAO What are your thoughts on TMAO Thanks

zone 5 training--shorter duration, higher intensity?

Hi Peter, I am a 66 year old man and have been adjusting my training as I age. My quest is similar to yours in that I want to maintain a high level of fitness into my 80's and beyond. With that as a goal, my focus has been on speed, explosive power, agility, endurance and flexibility as those are the areas I see most important as we age. Your observations about slowing the deterioration in the way we move changes from childhood is a great mission! You made the point that it's difficult to maintain maximum speed beyond 10 seconds (100 meters--much less for me). This really resonated to me and how I am training for zone 5--I train 2x week on a treadmill. My protocol is 2 minute warm up at 7 MPH and then up the speed to 14.5 MPH for 30 sec (all out sprint) followed by a 1 -2 min recovery (6-7 MPH). I repeat this 8 times (20 min) and figure that the all out sprint is about 20 sec as it takes about 5 sec for the treadmill to speed up and 5 sec to slow down. These intervals drive my heart rate up to about 180 BPM and recovery back down toward 120 BPM. This exercise is after 30 min of active stretching and 60 minutes of gym workout--i.e. supersets of weighted pistol squats and deadlifts, dips and single leg RDL's, weighted dips and bird dog rows, barbell RDL's and weighted pull ups, etc. My question relates to the interval exercise and the time length for the sprint. Most of the conventional protocol says that the intensity part should last at least one minute or longer. I find my body prefers a higher intensity but I can only maintain that level for 20-30 sec. Have you studied shorter higher intensity bursts like I am doing compared to longer (likely less intense) intervals? I also do similar interval training on the ERG--30-45 sec intervals at 1:30-1:35 (500 M pace). Lastly, by way of background my VO2 max has been falling as I age and is now in the mid 40's down from 55 when I tested at age 50. I was a distance runner in high school and ran 6-8 miles/day (6:20-6:40 mile pace) 5-6 days/week until age 50 when I pivoted to the treadmill intervals. PS--I have not heard you discuss agility and wonder if you do ladder drills or other fast footwork drills? What about ping pong or hand/eye drills? Keep up the great work! There is so much to think about...

This old heart

i am a 73 year old male. I have occasional A-fib which is controlled. I like weight lifting and practice dead lifts, squats and bench press and do them with fairly heavy weights and on a regular routine. Trying decide if the benefits from strength lifting given my age, erratic heart is a worth the risk . What factors should i consider?

Management of CHD after "small" heart attack

Last year I had a "mild" heart attack on a small artery (it seems only 10% have it) which required a stent. Huge wake-up call!! Since then I have been on statins and a very strict diet, hard workouts, no alcohol, no sugar, etc. Does Rapamycin carry higher risks in my condition? what about fasting? I have read that rapamycin and fasting increase liver enzymes, which can compound the negative effect of Statins. Thanks!

Supplemental Yoga in an Exercise Routine

Hi Peter, have you looked into yoga as a supplement to weight lifting? Not necessarily from the lens of longevity but more so day-to-day wellbeing. It seems like so many forms of exercise (as well as our largely sedentary lives) restrict/tighten our muscles, so do you think yoga is a worthwhile supplement to that in order to lengthen our muscles/bodies? And, do you think it could enhance the muscle-building effects of the weight lifting?