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Daily testosterone

I am a physician and I have been diagnosed with acquired hypogonadal hypogonadism. Pmh of metabolic syndrome w bmi of 26, htn, NAFLD, hyper triglycerides. The newest dx HH was a sudden rapid decline in total testosterone to 78 over the course of 6months after a slower 5-10 year decline from 470 to 280. I had been taking clomiphene with good results but the triglycerides skyrocketed to 1400 from 300-500 baseline. Now I am face transitioning to testosterone replacement therapy and want to mitigate the cardiovascular risks. I have a wife and young daughter, and are afraid of using topicals for fear of inadvertently transferring the medication . My question is regarding daily testosterone, subcutaneous injections. As this dosing regimen been validated,? Is it a commonly used protocol? My inquiries in this regard with local urologist and endocrinologist say it is not a daily injection, but only a weekly subcutaneous injection.

Neurodegenerative diseases

What direction do I go in to have the healthiest brain as I age. My mother has severe dementia (vascular/Alzheimer's) I want to take every step possible- genetic testing - hrt- diet-exercise-oral health. Who do I contact/what do I do to start the process to be evaluated for preventative purposes.

Optimal protein consumption

On past episodes I heard that the optimal protein level is 40-60g per meal for maximum muscle synthesis. But does that scale with body weight/size? So a smaller person has a lower threshold?


70 yr old female with no family hx of Dupuytren's. Developed Dupuytren's shortly after starting a statin. Stopped the statin, hands improved. Restarted a different one and hands became symptomatic again. Coincident? Any possible link?

Statins & all cause mortality

Recent AMA on cholesterol & APO-B Peter disappointingly fails to address the many studies demonstrating statin use has no effect on all cause mortality. He emphasizes statin reduction impact on CVD. But what about statin impact on all cause mortality. If he has an analysis on the flaws in these studies we would love to hear that. But simply ignoring this should be unacceptable. Likewise his recent AMA touting the studies supporting his belief in the efficacy of statins he not once distinguished between relative & absolute risk when discussing the results of these studies. Curious since he religiously makes this distinction when discussing other topics. He specifically quoted a statin study demonstrating a 22% reduction in CVD. Was that relative or absolute risk? An important distinction he makes discussing other topics/studies, but curiously absent when quoting studies that support his position.