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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Viagra and longevity

What are your thoughts on the studies saying that Viagra helps people live longer?

Effects of sauna only in diseased people

Kevin Bass recently made a good point about too much general inference from the sauna studies (eg. positive effects exclusively found in diseased people). Would love your take on this. Are we making to much inference from studies for things we want to be true (eg. your neutral take on cold exposure versus the clear pro stance of others)

Fitness Protocol

Dear Peter/Team of the Drive, There is a treasures chest of exercise information in all of your content. But i am really struggling to distill a protocol from all of it. There is too much, all too relevant and some things too complicated. Is there any chance the drive will generate some different exercise protocols, frameworks or general directions? Something that synthesizes the vast amount of information contained in the drive? Maybe subscriber only. We all understand the shortcomings of such a general model, and all the potential critique from the soured people. Hueberman recently put himself out there and did something similar that was very useful. But, i think with your team and your talent for frameworks and abstraction this would be an awesome resource! Thank you for all of you amazing content! Kind regards! Thomas, firefighter from Belgium.

The "micro" of strength and stability

Peter has spoken about the "macro" of this training routine (arguably the more important scale), but it would be helpful to hear an example of the micro breakdown for a specific period in time. For example, what is the stability vs strength breakdown on a training day, and what / how many exercises are performed for each function.

Collagen protein source?

Peter, you’ve convinced me (late 30s woman) that I need to drastically increase my protein intake. Protein has always been difficult for me. I’ve been supplementing hydrolyzed collagen peptides since they easily dissolve in my coffee, but I know it’s lacking tryptophan and doesn’t have much leucine. Is collagen protein a viable source for those of us who have a hard time getting enough protein? Sarah