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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Vegan diet for longevity

From a longevity standpoint is a vegan diet superior to a diet which includes animal products? What does the data say on this? I tend to notice that vegan women look great but vegan men often look skinny, not the appearance I want but it sounds like the diet lends itself to longevity.


Can one sweat out "toxins"? Why do some people sweat more than others? If one doesn't sweat as much as others, is that a problem? Should you shower after sauna? If you don't shower after sauna, should you wipe off sweat or, say you live in arid environment, is it fine to let it evaporate. Additionally, what's the deal with absorbing magnesium through your skin, transdermally? How does that work? Thanks. Been listening to podcast since the get go.

Arthritis and Healthspan

Hi Peter, Arthritis impacts 24% of all Americans and seems like that would be a huge impact on Healthspan. I'm only 46 and pretty active (I play squash, run, strength train, etc) and looks like I'm getting it in my toes due to bone spurs. I've been asked to stop running (by my doctors) and surgery isn't an option till the pain becomes too much. Then I was recommended some PRP as a potential treatment. I'm trying some low-dose Rapamycin now to see if that might help. It would be great if you can address this space, there are a lot of people who are likely to get arthritis and the treatment protocols are basically about managing pain and not preventing it. I'm particularly concerned that even at early detection there seems to be nothing much that can be done to prevent it and the PRP etc therapies are non-FDA approved at this point.

Apo B target

Is your target for Apo B to the fifth centile an age adjusted norm or fixed number for all?

Female birth control

Can you please do a comprehensive talk about the physiology and side effects of the pill and IUD birth control, including: the changes in hormone levels which occur and the extent to which this mimics pregnancy? Physiology beyond the impacts of FSH and LH? Implications of different types of synthetic progestogen? Any long-term impacts/risk factors of sustained use? Advantages/disadvantages of multi-phasic vs mono-phasic pills? If IUDs localize hormones? Any physiological consequences of the Cu IUD beyond spermicide? Consequences of eliminating withdrawal bleeding and newer-generation pills?