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Functional Medicine

I am a male in my early 40s in generally good health. I exercise and eat well and take low doses of drugs to control my blood pressure in cholesterol. Mostly spurred by your podcast, I scheduled an appointment at the Cleveland Clinic's Center for Functional medicine for the purpose of better understanding my body and mind. To me it's a preventative endeavor. After taking the initial survey, the program seems more focused on individuals with longstanding chronic diseases. Would you recommend someone in my situation exploring functional medicine?


Really liked your interview with Kellyann Niotis, Was hoping you would have brought up the subject of cte. Being the brother of a NFL player who died of cte I was hoping it you might have talked about the latest developments in the studies of it

Low ApoB but have atherosclerosis in LDA

You talk a lot about preventing disease, which I appreciate. However, I had two stents in my LDA, and I'm in excellent shape. Other than diet, meds, and exercise, should I be doing anything else to reverse disease?

Muscle and strength loss in active individuals

It seems that the >1% annual decline numbers Peter cites come from studies that include sedentary individuals. In one longitudinal study of seniors, it was exclusively sedentary individuals. I wonder if that causes Peter to set unnecessarily high goals for the Cent Olympics. Clearly if I am able to build strength as a 60 year old (I think Layne quoted a study which increased the strength of 80 year olds over 12 weeks), I am not declining at the same rate - maybe not at all for a number of years. A period over which I can build or maintain will significantly change the curve I use for backcasting. Are there longitudinal studies of the change in strength levels in active individuals? How would being active for the rest of my life change the milestones I would be trying to hit until then?

Inflammation deep dive!

Hey Peter! I would absolutely love a high level focus on the mechanisms and dangers of inflammation. I'm getting my phd in oncoimmunology and developed an autoimmune condition. From a personal perspective it's phenomenal how inflammation tanked my cardiovascular fitness, my metabolism, my mental health. From a professional perspective I am aware of the fact that autoimmune conditions like RA shorten life by a decade due in part to increased CVD risks. These volumnuous bodies of work on the devestation inflammation can play on everything from the HPA axis, metabolism & insulin resistance, obesity, CVD, mental health, degenerative disorders, cancers etc. Except there's limited clarity in the community as to what inflammation is and why its vital to control in numerous conditions and contexts - and why immunosuppressives such as Jak and IL-6 inhibitors are used in COVID-19. This leaves many vulnerable to misinformation on diets and supplements, while wariness in the autoimmune sphere of treatment. Additionally the benefits of exercise, sleep and removing alcohol in helping inflammation is waved off. Please please please look at inflammation. I may be biased as an immunologist on how fascinating it is, but I truly think it's an important concept for the general public to understand when making health and longevity decisions.